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Lomand & Argyll Advocacy Service

Argyll & Bute Mental Health Advocacy

Independent advocacy for people using mental health services in Argyll and Bute.

Main Argyll Office

01546 606056


Mental Welfare Commission

The Mental Welfare Commission for Scotland is an independent statutory body. It has a duty to safeguard the interests of people who are mentally unwell through illness or have a learning disability, whether in hospital or in the community. It has a particular duty to check that practitioners follow the principles about providing services and compulsory treatment. Anyone with a mental disorder or their carers can contact the Mental Welfare Commission.

Mental Welfare Commission for Scotland

Thistle House

91 Haymarket Terrace


EH12 5HE

Advice line for service users and carers: 0800 389 6809 (Monday to Friday 9am to 12pm and 1pm to 4pm)

Tel: 0131 313 8777



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